
More Depression Memes from big-brain-goth-gf:


depression memes Depression, Rookie, Pratyush, Men, Guys  Jul 2020


depression memes Depression, God, People, Jesus Christ text: an pigeon, , @imskytrash life is basically this: 1) you get born without your consent 2) grow up 3) you realise everyone is sad, nothing matters, and nobody has any answers 4) you eat cold spaghetti over the sink and think about life 5) not bad, you think, gazing out the kitchen window at the night sky


depression-memes depression text: This diary entry from 1877 is indistinguishable from my dating life in 2019 10th October 1877 I am in love! Her name is Drusilla MacAvoy. 15th October 1877 Too hasty by far! The MacAvoy woman was not for me. I am planning to kill myself, and if the remainder of these pages are blank anyone who comes across this diary will know I succeeded.


depression-memes depression text: Me replaying the argument I had earlier in my head but this time I


depression-memes depression text: hayley @thisisyear1987 this kid in my class made a suicide joke and when a bunch of people said "thats not something to joke about" he said "no its ok i have depression its like the n word" 8:48 pm 12 May 18

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