Browse The Top Feminine Memes

Results: 905


feminine-memes women text: At birth, baby elephants weigh about 250 pounds. Making them the biggest babies on earth right next to white cis males who feel they are being oppressed. @TURNERANOPOOCHCO  women


feminine-memes women text: Julia @juliagalassixo holy fuck so many girls are still shaming other girls for masturbating or ashamed of themselves for doing grow up and buy a vibrator Jessica it


feminine memes Women, George, Tackle, Police, George Floyd, Fight text: Reginald Hudlin @reghud This young lady is a hero who deserves all of our support. BLACK LIVES FUCKING MATTER @ltsDasiaVu • Jun 3 Darnella Frazier is the 17 year old girl who recorded George Floyds death. She is now getting psychological help for not only witnessing something so terrifying but being bullied for NOT getting Involved. I need y


feminine memes Women, MensLib, Men text: Ryan Henly Women create spaces to talk about women


feminine-memes women text: Sib @sibblank cis PPI: we need the sex binary for medical purposes, so doctors can give adequate treatment for either sex! doctors treating women: oh, you


feminine memes Women, Or SeX, BiOlOgIcAlLy ReAdY text: kaijuno I hate how when someone starts their period for the first time adults are always like "You


feminine memes Women, No text: black Anericans in my uferus NATTER?  Women, No


feminine memes Women,  text: degenerate-perturbation yeah I


feminine memes Women, Viagra  Jul 2020 Women, Viagra


feminine-memes women text: If you