Browse The Top Depression Memes

Results: 840


depression memes Depression, Fuccking text: are ya bearing the weight of the full spectrum of human emotion with no chemical buffer, son? yes.  Depression, Fuccking


depression memes Depression, Sisyphus, Does text: Always has been Wa


depression memes Depression, Beatles  Jul 2020 Depression, Beatles


depression memes Depression, Rookie, Pratyush, Men, Guys  Jul 2020 Depression, Rookie, Pratyush, Men, Guys


depression memes Depression,   Jul 2020 Depression,


depression memes Depression, No text: Almost a year ago, I made a lame attempt to die. I realized after it failed that in reality no matter how bad things were at the time, I was too chicken to die. My family hated me. I felt like I had no support. In this situation I posted on 2meir14meirl. I got an overwhelming flood of emotional support. Redditors reached out to me, offered me words of comfort. You guys helped me stay afloat. I began to think that maybe life isn


depression memes Depression, Rookie, Pratyush, Men, Guys  Jul 2020 Depression, Rookie, Pratyush, Men, Guys


depression memes Depression, Thats text: Samuel J Comroe @SamuelJComroe I have no clue what