Browse The Top Depression Memes

Results: 840


depression memes Depression, Yall text: kkyoin just gonna start killing people i dont find funny cthuluguu National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 kkyoin shut the fuck up  Tumblr, Threatening, Suicide, Depression, Funny


depression memes Depression, Gogh, Starry Night, Vincent, Van Gogh, OCD  May 2020 Depression, Gogh, Starry Night, Vincent, Van Gogh, OCD


depression memes Depression, Ratatouille, Violet, Michelin, Vatel, Say Nothing text: Michelle Spies @spies_please the only character in media I have ever related to is Chef Gusteau from Ratatouille who got one negative review one time and it made him so sad he died and the biokenhearted chef dieg Pegtly afterwards,  Depression, Ratatouille, Violet, Michelin, Vatel, Say Nothing


depression memes Depression, YouTube, Reddit, No, MouthWideOpen, Casually Explained text: sumersprkl Me: Alright, brain, we have two tasks to do. One of them is more time sensitive, but working on the other will be more fun. Which should I start on? My brain: Do fucking nothing for 72 hours Me: Understandable, have a nice day  Depression, YouTube, Reddit, No, MouthWideOpen, Casually Explained


depression memes Depression, Dad, YouTube, Reddit, PC, CoD text: ARE YA WINNING, SON? No dad, i


depression memes Depression, French text: Saint Bob Payne @saintbobpayne I


depression memes Depression, Tkax8ZC7, Master, Fingersbot text: disgustinghumanbeing @Antonovtum Am I horny all the time or am I just bored, stressed and depressed and jacking off is the only source of dopamine I have left 11 • 01 May 20 • Twitter for Android  Depression, Tkax8ZC7, Master, Fingersbot


depression-memes depression text: Nash @Nasharchy millennial culture is spending what little money you have on nerd shit that makes you happy as the world falls apart around you 9/16/17, 7:53 PM  depression


depression-memes depression text: me during reasonable hours of the day: i never want to do anything in my life Ever me at 3 am: I Have To Learn How To Play The Piano Immediately  depression


depression-memes depression text: 46 am, opens eyes* I can


depression-memes depression text: @Maddierawrk My brother died from depression. He also frequently exercised, had supportive friends/family, was successful in school & in work. He had goals that he was constantly reaching- he still killed himself. People who are depressed are not weak minded- they are sick. Understand this.  depression


depression-memes depression text: When you are in the living room and your mom lets guests in without warning you  depression


depression-memes depression text: BRANDON WARDELL e @BRANDONWARDELL im glad itls cold outside again so i can wear cool jackets instead of having a personality 13/10/2017, 23:04  depression


depression-memes depression text: 66Z


depression-memes depression text: Emily @EmilyBeTrans What fucking part of "I need to stop getting attached so quickly" do I not understand ? 19:55 • 13 Nov 19 • Twitter for Android  depression


depression-memes depression text:  Depression, Gif, Meme, Jump, Video, Suicide


depression-memes depression text: no 335 do  depression


depression-memes depression text: An azing —pe whom fallen in Biov My oring rsonality My ddictio s e fact that she serves My ugly & Ma-ce y depression vanxie  depression


depression-memes depression text: miSS fe; endț  depression


depression-memes depression text: brightindie Don