Browse The Top Depression Memes

Results: 7


depression-memes depression text: This diary entry from 1877 is indistinguishable from my dating life in 2019 10th October 1877 I am in love! Her name is Drusilla MacAvoy. 15th October 1877 Too hasty by far! The MacAvoy woman was not for me. I am planning to kill myself, and if the remainder of these pages are blank anyone who comes across this diary will know I succeeded.  Depression, Book, Class, Sad, Suicide


depression-memes depression text: I wanna be 14 again and ruin my life differently... I have new ideas  depression


depression-memes depression text: Me thinking that I


depression-memes depression text: Hori @LilBHori if anyone pushes me in a pool this summer i


depression-memes depression text: Home Health News People who walk fast tend to be less HEALTH NEWS NEWS & CULTURE People who walk fast tend to be less happy, study says by Jo-Est Tan July 16, 2019, 3:30 am  depression


depression-memes depression text: sad x @cravingjaws Someone, somewhere has a picture of you saved because you


depression-memes depression text: SEE IJtYOR soJ.  depression