Browse The Top Depression Memes

Results: 840


depression memes Depression, Life text: Please, I haven


depression memes Depression,  text: "If you are good at something never do it for free" Google how to sell anxiety ALL IMAGES VIDEOS NEWS MAPS  Depression,


depression memes Depression, No text: Almost a year ago, I made a lame attempt to die. I realized after it failed that in reality no matter how bad things were at the time, I was too chicken to die. My family hated me. I felt like I had no support. In this situation I posted on 2meir14meirl. I got an overwhelming flood of emotional support. Redditors reached out to me, offered me words of comfort. You guys helped me stay afloat. I began to think that maybe life isn


depression memes Depression,  text: calvin-klein-and-hobbes How shall I get the SerotoninTM and Dopamine@ today?? A. Masturbate B. Buy myself something I don


depression memes Depression,  text: Let


depression memes Depression, Explains text:  Depression, Explains


depression memes Depression,  text: Me going to sleep at 3 am knowing my suicidal thoughts are getting progressively worse and I