Browse The Top Depression Memes

Results: 14


depression-memes depression text: how it feels to listen to podcasts  depression


depression-memes depression text: Watching my sim eating microwaved chicken nuggets while being sad for no reason may be the most relatable situation I


depression-memes depression text: WHOA! you


depression-memes depression text: Cute girl in public "Stop looking at women. You


depression-memes depression text: CLAS O Nicole Gaudet Graduate "Single from the womb, single sto the tomb."  depression


depression-memes depression text: BABIES ON BOARD FEEL FREE TO RAM INTO ME!  depression


depression-memes depression text: federations god i hate being alive i just wanna die in a national park under mysterious circumstances federations ok im done being dramatic i finally started my homework and its not that bad  depression


depression-memes depression text: f thot fitzgerald @dracomallfoys being praised by adults for being "The Quiet and Mature really rewarding as a kid until you grow up & realize that label stopped u from interacting normally like the other kids and is the reason u have -5 social skills and no personality  depression


depression-memes depression text: Lotty Earns @lottyburns You


depression-memes depression text: YOU MATCHED WITH JOHN ON 9/17/19 u look depressed Damn what gave it away Sent like everything about you ur face ur body the words in your bio your choice of apparel the way you smile  depression