Browse The Top Feminine Memes

Results: 214


feminine-memes women text: nicoleayase "When you


feminine-memes women text: HUMBLE CROOK @Datguyserious Girls wana be talking bout period pains. Have you ever rolled your ankle over like this? nat @IgbtDemetria 11m so glad girls don


feminine-memes women text: Ryan Knight @ProudResister Masculinity is not under attack. Masculinity is being redefined to not include harassing women or bullying people who are different than you. Masculinity is being expanded to a more loving space and if you can


feminine-memes women text: nicoleayase "When you


feminine-memes women text: Ivan Throne @DarkTriadMan This is called "art". This is the legacy and heritage of the West. This is what men of the West fight, sacrifice and die for. This is victory. #DeusVult Rollo Tomassi @RationalMale • 2d v Is there an example of a female sculptor who committed herself to the same level of detail that a male does with a woman? u 2 023 8 Ivan Throne @DarkTriadMan • 2d None that come to mind. That sculpture is an act of worship before Heaven, and it shows. 012 8 Platonic Solid Snake Replying to@DarkTriadMan @RationalMale and 6 Others the sculptor is a chinese woman you dork ass losers 2:13 PM •17 Oct 17  women


feminine-memes women text: Ben Wexler e @mrbenwexler Call me crazy, but I think having 17 year-olds worry that any sexual assault they commit now might follow them around for the rest of their lives would be a GREAT thing  women


feminine-memes women text: Stevie Mat @stevie_mat White men did not produce great art and literature, white men produced art and literature that spoke to other white men, so they all just collectively agreed amongst themselves that it was great. A lot of it ain


feminine-memes women text: The Economist O Following @thetconomjst America is seeing a spike in celibacy fuelled by economics, technology and female empowerment Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez O Following If you think your


feminine-memes women text: Stevie Mat @stevie_mat White men did not produce great art and literature, white men produced art and literature that spoke to other white men, so they all just collectively agreed amongst themselves that it was great. A lot of it ain


feminine-memes women text: MORNING: THAT WTf!! EVENING ftyczkllj CAN ND MOST HATED BRAS!! RIGHT. @TEENYROBOTS  women


feminine-memes women text: Master Of Masculinity @CoreyCapella • 21h Women, We don


feminine-memes women text: @solomong Solomon Georgio ... • 16 Std. v Too many men don


feminine-memes women text: Julia @juliagalassixo holy fuck so many girls are still shaming other girls for masturbating or ashamed of themselves for doing grow up and buy a vibrator Jessica it


feminine-memes women text: Sib @sibblank cis PPI: we need the sex binary for medical purposes, so doctors can give adequate treatment for either sex! doctors treating women: oh, you


feminine-memes women text: If you


feminine-memes women text: Follow anna_Jam eson There was a throwaway sentence in a textbook I was reading: "In 1793, the French actress Olympe de Gouges was guillotined by the Jacobins, after daring to demand political rights for women as well as men." Of course I had to find out who she was, and why I


feminine-memes women text: Autumn Mizer 6 hrs • When I was 17 1 went to Planned Parenthood. I had no money or insurance. I was living on my own and couldn


feminine-memes women text: Apparently, 99% of men have a hard time locating this zipper  women


feminine-memes women text: The Volatile Mermaid @OhNoSheTwitnt Nice to see that instead of Trump turning over his tax returns voluntarily, we


feminine-memes women text: davijane Don