
Memes also tagged "Germany":


History Memes History, Germany, Zimbabwe, Ruhr, Joe Biden, Weimar Republic text: Customer in Weimar Republic: How much is this loaf of bread? Shopkeeper in Weimar Republic: One billion gagillion fafillion shabadabalo shabadamillion shabaling_shabalomillion marks


History Memes History, Italy, Italian, Germany text: Germany: "We are loosing the war!" Italy: Yo areo


History Memes History, Nazi, Germany, German, Deutschland, Coca text:


Spongebob Memes Spongebob, Singapore, Japanese, Indian, Germany, Poland text: When a Serb kills an Austrian in Bosnia so you, an Englishman, must fight the Ger ans in France goulashnikov-concern I raise you When an Austrian guy takes over Germany and invades Poland with Russia so you as an Indian are sent by the British to Singapore to fight the Japanese. i


Political Memes Political, Germany, German, America, Americans, American text: Why aren

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