
Memes also tagged "Trump":


boomer memes Political, Trump, Real, Donald, Cuomo text: Guess Tue sone? TAKE


Black Twitter Memes Tweets, Trump, Biden, Kanye, Harambe, Democrats  Jul 2020


Political Memes Political, Trump, God, Christian, Jesus, Christians text: Bishop Talbert Swan O @TalbertSwan Calling a Black POT US married 25 yrs to 1 wife with 2 children, no mistresses, affairs or scandals,


Wholesome Memes Black, Trump, Obama, Congress, Democrats, Republicans text: Barack Obama O @BarackObama I know the past few months have been hard and dispiriting. But watching the heightened activism of young people makes me hopeful. And if we can keep chan- neling our justifiable anger into peaceful, sustained, and effective action, this can be the moment when real change starts.


Political Memes Political, Germany, USA, Trump, German, TV text: Mohamad Safa O —S @mhdksafa If you

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