
Memes also tagged "Spain":


History Memes History, Spain, Portugal, Spanish, God, British Empire text: n: I HAD 52 COLONIES u D: I HAD 53 COLONIES used to rule the world


History Memes History, Jewish, Argentina, Spain, Nazis, Hitler text:


History Memes History, Habsburg, Spain, Charles II, The Habsburgs, Hapsburgs text: We will keep our bloodline pure and reign forever u/Ayactan Inbreeding will have lots of negative side effects on the generations to come EVERYON


Star Wars Memes Prequel-memes, Spain, Darth Nihilus, Slazo, Kotor, Earth text: New Zealand .36.86377.


History Memes History, Spain, Platinum, Taking, Sea, Sauce text: Spain when they realized the unripe gold they dump into the sea were actually Platinum

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