More Feminine Memes from owmyuterus:


feminine memes Women, IUD, Birth, Advil, Hashi, AmItheAsshole text: kidney bean queen I Holly @HollyBiology I truly believe there are undiscovered menstrual disorders because people don


feminine memes Women,   Jun 2020


feminine memes Women, As, Americans, The GOP, American  Jun 2020


feminine memes Women, AmIright text: I want the term "gold digger" to include dudes who look for a woman who will do tons of emotional labour for them. — Erin Rodges


feminine memes Women, Bible, Democrats, Christians, Christian, Jesus text: Buffy the Psych Prof would... @DrPsyBuffy Since the bible says not to charge interest on loans, I think the Dems should propose a bill that removes all interest on student loans and use this as justification. Make the GOP state out loud, repeatedly, that the bible can

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