
Memes also tagged "Dany":


Game of thrones memes D-n-d, Daenerys, King, Dany, Landing, Cersei text: *Dany burns innocent people* Also Dany: /Db nt5t- compare me to myfäÜeTTi


Game of thrones memes Game of thrones, Dany, Missandei, Essos, Tyrion, Euron text:


Game of thrones memes D-n-d, Jon, Sansa, Dany, Starks, North text: She


Game of thrones memes D-n-d, Barristan, Dany, Tyrion, Meereen, Grey Worm text:


Game of thrones memes Game of thrones, Arya, Season, Jon, Dany, Sandor text: Roose Bolton• stabbed in the abdomen once, dead 10 seconds later Martyn Lannister: stabbed in the abdomen once, dead 5 seconds later made with mematic Arya Stark: stabbed in the . g abdomen&åtimes, jumps ihto a dirty river, swims to safety, is treated by someone with close to ze *cal and is back jumping around like a fucking ninja shortly after

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