
Memes also tagged "Sad":


depression-memes depression text: This diary entry from 1877 is indistinguishable from my dating life in 2019 10th October 1877 I am in love! Her name is Drusilla MacAvoy. 15th October 1877 Too hasty by far! The MacAvoy woman was not for me. I am planning to kill myself, and if the remainder of these pages are blank anyone who comes across this diary will know I succeeded.


Comics  a tragic bear story(from brosad), Goldilocks, Good, TV, OC, Love Lucy text: k-ŒoyH


History Memes History, Iraq, WMDs, Saddam, WMD, USSR text: Wow, such empty


Spongebob Memes Spongebob, Patrick, Friday text: Going back to my room after yet another long day of being in the living room


spongebob-memes spongebob text: When I show up for work and the building is still standing

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