
Memes also tagged "Singapore":


Spongebob Memes Spongebob, Singapore, Japanese, Indian, Germany, Poland text: When a Serb kills an Austrian in Bosnia so you, an Englishman, must fight the Ger ans in France goulashnikov-concern I raise you When an Austrian guy takes over Germany and invades Poland with Russia so you as an Indian are sent by the British to Singapore to fight the Japanese. i


History Memes History, Luxembourg, Switzerland, UK, Singapore, Netherlands text: Luxembourg during its entire history: iiiiy i! iI


other memes Funny, Singapore, Nice, XGfAc, Telemarketers, Artists text: Top 5 essential jobs Doctor/ Nurse Cleaner Top 5 non-essential jobs Artist 71% Telemarketer 69% the artist wtY0*had to create thiSimage:


other memes Funny, FPS, RGB, Razer, BPS, Singapore text: THANKS RAZER NOW I CAN BREATH AT 60 FPS


Dank Memes Dank, Singapore, McDonalds text:

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