Memes also tagged "Jesus":


boomer memes Cringe, Jesus, USA, Law, Israel text: ・ 当 。 92 N 一 》 2 ト N04


Anime Memes Anime, Mary, Joseph, Loli, Jesus, Japan text: The vi rgin Mary was 13 when she gave bi rth to Jesus thus the Bibl is a Ioli doujin so if the UN bans 101 is they also have to ban chri sti an i ty


boomer memes Political, Jesus, Bible, John, Trump, Roman text: يم. ك لا-


History Memes History, Constantine, Christian, Romans, Jesus, God text: Romans in the 1st-3rd century Romans in the 4th century onwards Jesus Christ is my nigga


History Memes History, Jesus, Bible, Greek, America, God text: Christianity is from the Middle East, too.

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