Browse The Top Political Memes

Results: 2154


Political Memes Political, Jesus, Trump, Christ, Jewish, Christians text: Wendy Wasserman Schultz @dvorakoelling If Jesus showed up and ran for president in 2020 on the platform that human empathy and compassion is more important than personal wealth, do you think Trump supporters would call him a libtard to his face or just behind his back?  Political, Jesus, Trump, Christ, Jewish, Christians


Political Memes Political, Christian, God, PPP, Jesus, Billion text: I got $1,200. You got $1,200 (maybe). Evangelical churches got $7.3 billion. I pay taxes. You pay taxes. Churches pay no taxes. @R0bertW31430731  Political, Christian, God, PPP, Jesus, Billion


Political Memes Political, Trump, Jesus, Christ, Antichrist, Bible  Jun 2020 Political, Trump, Jesus, Christ, Antichrist, Bible


Political Memes Political, Trump, Pelosi, Obama, Ryan, Republicans text: For those of you complaining about Pelosi not standing or clapping for things she doesn


Political Memes Political, Goya, Trump, Ivanka, Skinny Trump, Negros text: ORGANICS Black Beans Frijoles Negros SEASALT. Pandeinic  Political, Goya, Trump, Ivanka, Skinny Trump, Negros


Political Memes Political, Trump, Goya, Russia, Afghanistan, America text: AND JUST LIKE THAT... E ERYO E


Political Memes Political, Trump, Liberal, Liberals, Source, Liberalism text: Middle Age Riot @middleageriot If a Trump supporter says they want you to back up something you said with facts, they


political-memes political text: May 24 2015 Bernie Sanders may be the most unusual candidate we


Political Memes Political, Buffalo, SWAT, Americans, WtxK0, Union text: Nicholas Kristof @NickKristof When all 57 Buffalo police officers on the emergency response team resign because two were suspended for knocking down a 75-year-old man and sending him to the hospital, this seems like an opportunity to find 57 new police officers who donlt approve of assaulting senior citizens.  Political, Buffalo, SWAT, Americans, WtxK0, Union


political-memes political text:  political