Browse The Top Depression Memes Date: New - Today - This Week - This Month - All Time Show: 10 - 20 - 50 Sort by: Best Depression Memes - Newest Depression Memes Category: - - Best Memes - Wholesome Memes - Dank Memes - Political Memes - Depression Memes - Spongebob Memes - - ... - - All Memes - - - Cringe Memes - - - More categories Results: 840 One upside to the whole mask thing, I can keep some of my face covered 249.2K Nah dont forget the moments when you overcame your shyness and low self-esteem and still failed 247.3K Thats called depression my dude 244.5K I cant relate more 242.8K Anyone else feeling like you dont want to die , but you just dont want to exist anymore 242.4K You have insurance 242.0K Theyre laughing at me, THEYRE LAUGHING AT ME 240.5K 2:17am: If I fall asleep exactly right now I can still get 4 hours and 43 minutes of sleep, maybe that will be enough 239.8K This is alarmingly relatable 238.8K I speak 3 but none good enough to not have to stop when explaining things because I forgot how something is called in *current language* 238.6K There was an episode where his neighbours change the clocks so that he misses midnight celebrations on New Years Eve 238.4K My ass theyll give you a raise 238.0K "check it out, i tied a noose around my neck" 237.8K But Ive known her for 6 hours shes definitely my future wife 237.0K If I go to sleep before 12 Ill be up in 2 hours 232.4K Yes ,but I have to say it does help me a lot 226.4K id like to cash in my "I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it" card now 226.1K You guys get horny 223.8K Well fuck 222.0K *bad shit goes down* 222.0K IDK if I even have a personality anymore 220.5K Every fucking day 217.7K Born to shit, forced to wipe 217.1K Do they actually like me or is it just pity: the remake nobody wanted 215.5K If depression comes in episodes then Ive been watching non-stop for at least 20 seasons 212.9K I love that discord has a invisible feature so I can just not deal with people 210.8K That shade of orange looks familiar 210.5K Can we have this after the pandemic too 206.6K I dont know if they were emotionally unavailable, they were affectionate when I was small but I dont really have had any deep conversations with them, neither did they advise me anything on life 202.9K Being on the other end aint much fun either 201.8K I once learned a whole semester of trigonometry in 15 hours the day before the final exam 201.6K Every teenager is reading the comments for reassurance 201.5K YOU FAT BALD BASTARD 201.3K Didnt get to finish the sentence because they jumped 198.5K My college forced all my classes to be online 197.8K Me when I am lying in bed thinking about horny shit but then I think about something scary 197.3K id like to cash in my "I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it" card now 195.7K They always ask how everyone doin tonight, never why anyone doin tonight 193.9K Gonna make their money the old fashioned way I see 193.1K We are a bit like the Gauss curve, sinking slowly downwards without ever touching the bottom 192.4K Texting is so hard to me, like I can do the dumbest thing irl and be fine with it but I cant text folks 190.2K Until you die 188.4K Literally this is so true this imagination is the only thing keeping me going right now I have no idea What will I do without it 186.9K Page: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ... 14 | 15 | < Prev | Next >