Browse The Top Depression Memes

Results: 146


depression memes Depression, Dad, YouTube, Reddit, PC, CoD text: ARE YA WINNING, SON? No dad, i


depression memes Depression, YouTube, Reddit, No, MouthWideOpen, Casually Explained text: sumersprkl Me: Alright, brain, we have two tasks to do. One of them is more time sensitive, but working on the other will be more fun. Which should I start on? My brain: Do fucking nothing for 72 hours Me: Understandable, have a nice day  Depression, YouTube, Reddit, No, MouthWideOpen, Casually Explained


depression memes Depression, Ratatouille, Violet, Michelin, Vatel, Say Nothing text: Michelle Spies @spies_please the only character in media I have ever related to is Chef Gusteau from Ratatouille who got one negative review one time and it made him so sad he died and the biokenhearted chef dieg Pegtly afterwards,  Depression, Ratatouille, Violet, Michelin, Vatel, Say Nothing


depression memes Depression, Gogh, Starry Night, Vincent, Van Gogh, OCD  May 2020 Depression, Gogh, Starry Night, Vincent, Van Gogh, OCD


depression memes Depression, Yall text: kkyoin just gonna start killing people i dont find funny cthuluguu National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 kkyoin shut the fuck up  Tumblr, Threatening, Suicide, Depression, Funny


depression memes Depression, DHD, ADD, Person, Ritalin, People text: Sasha Perigo @sashaperigo With ADHD I have exactly three types of work days: •J Get absolutely nothing done v/ Get 4 hours of work done, at a random time of day •J Get 40 hours of work done in 8 hours  Depression, DHD, ADD, Person, Ritalin, People


depression memes Depression, November, Dwight text: 90s kids 30 90s kids  Depression, November, Dwight


depression memes Depression, World, Punk, Lars Ulrich text: How I imagined I



depression memes Depression, Huston, Hitler  May 2020 Depression, Huston, Hitler