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Results: 24927


Dank Memes Dank, Canada, Canadian, Canadians, Ollie, Vancouver text:  Dank, Canada, Canadian, Canadians, Ollie, Vancouver


feminine-memes women text: mtv should do a show where they have a young woman read 3 of the horniest messages from guys in her DMS in front of the 3 men


History Memes History, Portugal, Ottomans, Portuguese, Dutch, Venetians text: I


Star Wars Memes Prequel-memes, Clone Wars, Sith, Jedi, Obi-Wan, Rebels text: WILL YOU PRESS THE BUTTON? You get a lightsaber and can use the Force but You must speak exclusively in Prequel quotes r/ prequelmemes,  Prequel-memes, Clone Wars, Sith, Jedi, Obi-Wan, Rebels


other memes Funny, Karen, God text: yes i


other memes Funny, COVID, English, Hentai, Facebook, Chang text: *First day back to school* Nobody: Teachers: Write an on how essay COVID-19 has impacted your life *Introverts *Extroverts  Funny, COVID, English, Hentai, Facebook, Chang


history-memes history text:  history


feminine memes Women, Witcher, The Witcher, Pavetta, Geralt, Netflix text: akasha @faeriesfang men: *make up facts about abortion to control womenls bodies and strip them of their rights* women everywhere: ——1 bow to no law made by men who never bore a child!  Women, Witcher, The Witcher, Pavetta, Geralt, Netflix


Spongebob Memes Spongebob, Cutting Dead Ends text: Divorce lawyers and barbers when quarantine ends:  Spongebob, Cutting Dead Ends


dank-memes cute text: Me: Screws up during music class The class: you ritard. die PP (very soft) IJKdoe  Dank Meme