
Memes also tagged "Wednesday":


Comics Shes a good girl., Polly, January, Christ, August, Wednesday text: POLLY Halfway through eating, she needs help to stand. ) wonder if she senses my need and is hanging on until the quarantine


other memes Funny, Sweden, March, Zoom, Wednesday, Stop text: When you close schools at a thousand cases but reopen at 1.7 million: The risk I took was calculated, but man, imgffgcom am I bad at math.


other memes Funny, Egypt, Wednesday, Souls, Senate, Ninja text: Your chances of getting killed by a group of frogs are low but never zero


Wholesome Memes Wholesome memes, Friday, Wednesday, Fox, Thursday, OC text: I wish I was clever like you. Huh? How so? Did you just compliment us both at The same Time? You


Star Wars Memes Prequel-memes, Wednesday, PrequelMemes, Messiah text: That one kid trying to s all the eacher so she forgets about giving us homework

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