
Memes also tagged "TDKR":


Star Wars Memes Sequel-memes, Star Wars, TDKR, Sith, Rotten Tomatoes, ROTS text: I don


Star Wars Memes Prequel-memes, ROTS, TDKR, Star Wars, RotS, RoTS text: Me, watching Revenge of the Sith go from 700 000 votes to 1 400 000 over the course of 15 minutes Begun. e War as


Star Wars Memes Prequel-memes, Star Wars, ROTS, RotS, Raiders, TDKR text: Are at least, the other Star War movies winning? They are. They will avenge us.


Star Wars Memes Prequel-memes, RotS, ANH, Star Wars, Endgame, TDKR text: Rotten Tomatoes: "Please vote on your favorite movies." SW fans: *votes on favorite movie* Rotten Tomatoes: yat legal?


Star Wars Memes Prequel-memes, Star Wars, No, RotS, Endgame, TDKR text: 11m the one who destroyed Revenge of the Sith in Rotten Tomatoes poll We hosted this code (again, for free) on multiple servers, and as my script had a higher throughput and success rate, it bulldozed through the vote, and the count reached 30 million votes in total. Meanwhile, I saw the discord chat going crazy, and people blaming Rotten Tomatoes (RT) and debated begging to 4Chan for help. And when RT realised something is off, they added re-Captcha to the polls, and this madness stopped. I want to confess here that the "bot- was: 1. Not sponsored/created by RT 2. Not a work of 4Chan (After you asked them for help, they used your scripts to vote against you, but it was still not efficient enough and I had already pulled ahead by a huge margin) I did this just out of spite, and to see what LLEeguelMemes would come up with. I haven

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