
Memes also tagged "Spanish":


Dank Memes Dank, Shrek, Spain, Latino, Spanish, Boots text: Why Shrek is one of the most diverse movie series of all time BODY POSITIVE 01SON TRANS COMMENATRY 0N PRIVLEGE INTERACIAL MARRAIGE MILFS


Black Twitter Memes Tweets, Spanish, Vitamin, Texas, Latinos, Latino text: Yamiche Alcindor O @Yamiche The NY T had to sue to get virus data broken down by race. Sue. The New York Times e @nytimes 2d Black and Latino people in the U.S. are 3 times as likely to contract the coronavirus than their white neighbors — and nearly twice as likely to die, according to new data we obtained by suing the CDC nyti.ms/3e0ZlZk


History Memes History, French, New Orleans, Spanish, Orleans, Louisiana text: EVERYTHING YOU LOVE ABOUT NEW ORLEANS IS BECAUSE OF BLACK PEOPLE The French and the Natives creating a unique culture made with memat• Amfijoke to


Wholesome Memes Cute, wholesome memes, Swedish, English, Sweden, Spanish, Italian text: Me learning and using basic Swedish whenever I can My Swedish g- Ifriand w speaks p ect Én ish


History Memes History, Spain, Portugal, Spanish, God, British Empire text: n: I HAD 52 COLONIES u D: I HAD 53 COLONIES used to rule the world

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