
Memes also tagged " sex(from bevscomics)":


Comics  sex(from bevscomics), Supreme Court text: Did you hear the Supreme (ou voted to uphold rules established by the Trump administration (effinq employers deny contraceptive coverage to workers, if {hey have any religious or moral objections? Do you know how terrible {hat is? abevscomics Actually it helps with a lot More than preventinq preqnancieS/ (ike treating irregular periods, endometriosis, and other health conditions. Takinq that away can put a (ot 01 women at risk. Plus, without insurance, a (ok of people can afford it. abevscomics Goodl birth contro( is just used an excuse to have Sex abevsco ics YoV JUST WANT AN TO HAVE SEX abevscomicsw 6

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