
Memes also tagged "Vietnam":


boomer memes Political, Trump, Obama, Bankruptcy, America, Vietnam text: AT 25 PLAYING BVHE RIVER OBAMA AT 25 GETTING STONED TRUMP ATA MAKING GREAT AGAIN


History Memes History, Paris, Treaty, France, Vietnam, Treaties text: WE DID IT. WE TIME TRAVELED! øuT TO WHAT YEAR? WHAT


Political Memes Political, Vietnam, USA, America, Trump, Americans text: Alex Bobe @alexbbobe We won the war against Coronavirus the same way we won the war against Vietnam. It got too expensive so we pretended that it was over I I .•06AM 02 May 20 Twitter for iPhone


History Memes History, Romans, Rome, Roman, Godfrey, Vietnam text: Although outnumbered, the Romans


History Memes History, Truman, USSR, China, Vietnam, South Vietnam text: Blacks people: "please desegregate the military, mr. President" Truman: "no" Black people: "We want to kill Commies" Truman: shit al! had to say

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