
Memes also tagged "Church":


History Memes History, Bible, Latin, Catholic Church, Catholics, Luther text: The bible is kept in Latin to keep you away from understanding it yourself If those Catholics ould read they


History Memes History, America, Europe, Americans, European, Churchill text: Americans noooo, our founding fathers were racist!!! noooo, they were great men by the standard of their time!!! Europeans Our rulers were racist. Yes.


History Memes History, Church, Christians, Christian, Catholic Church, Catholic text: The Catholic Church whenever it sees some random little pagan village just minding their own business Wemusefjr.t!tåkezcare of these unbelievers


Wholesome Memes Cute, wholesome memes, God, Goku, GOD, UKEwjqhoOXkujoAhVHapQKHaItDb8QMygAegUIARDSAQ, Church text: GOD, WHAT IS MY PLAN IN LIFE? JVIAYBE 316 ICE cum. %nE5TL8, xzvm.Æ pm-jr orz IT SWEET. ad pea-o

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